My multiple nationalities are an important aspect of my life that defines me. I was born in Oklahoma and therefore am an American citizen. My father’s grandfather was Irish and his grandmother was Scotch. By my name, Maureen McVeigh, most people can guess my ancestry from my father’s side. Looking at me most people assume that I am Caucasian. What most people don’t know is that my mother is, nearly, 100 percent Vietnamese; she was born and raised in Saigon. My mother’s parents were also both born and raised in Vietnam.
My religion, my multiple nationalities, and my family’s lifestyle have helped to define me and have created the foundation for my view of the “ideal world”. Although I try to live my life through my faith in God and the love He and my family have given me the real world hasn’t always been as kind. I have made my share of mistakes in life but I have no regrets. Everything I have experienced has made me who I am today. I have used all that my family has given me and trusted in my faith in God and have tried to live my life through love with strength, courage, and wisdom. I hope that that has made all the difference; if nothing else, in the lives of the people I touch.
Recently, my life has taken some turbulent and unexpected turns. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. When my marriage came to an abrupt end in June 2007 I wasn’t sure what to expect or how to cope. Fortunately, I have fantastic friends, my faith, and the love of my family to help me through that difficult time. Like I said, I believe everything happens for a reason. Two months later I met a new friend – Brian. He is not only my friend – he’s my best friend. Brian has shown me that there is good in this world, how wonderful love can be, and he even made me believe in fairy tales. He’s given me my “Happily Ever After.”

So, as I close the chapter that most people know as I open a new chapter called What started out as helping a co-worker get a new cell phone has blossomed into a love I never believed was possible; one that is completely selfless, trusting, and undeniable. May you all be as blessed.
Today, I couldn’t be happier. I have a successful career as an Information Technology Leader for one of the nation’s largest affordable housing developers, I’m an active volunteer with both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, I have two smart, active children, and a supportive, loving spouse.

May you all be blessed.