After weeks of waiting, we finally picked up our little puppy on Friday, September 18th. After living with him for two weeks, I think it’s safe to safe we are all 100% in love. Yes, even Brian. So, here he is – our little Arlo!

Of course, he has his own Instagram account. Be sure to follow him @lildoxiearlo for random photo nuggets.
It’s funny how many photos and videos of Arlo are in my camera roll on my phone. I started to write this post and realized that I should write more often so I don’t have to sift through so many pictures at once. We picked him up after work/school so we didn’t get home until late since we stayed at the breeder’s house for a bit to play with all their dogs. Here are a few pictures of the other puppies that Arlo was bunking with.

Here are a few from the night we brought him home.

Poor Arlo had never been in a car before so the drive made him sick. He barfed a little as we stopped to pick up a quick dinner at Chick-Fil-A. Fortunately, he seems to be okay with car rides now. I was worried that it was going to be a regular thing like with my previous dachshund, Bella Mia. She used to get sick every single time we arrived at our destination.
The next morning, I really went nuts with the camera. We had so much fun playing with Arlo both inside and outside, in the back yard. He was so curious and so awake. Although we were tired, from getting up in the middle of the night to take him out to go potty, we were excited to play with him. The whole family had a blast. Here are a few from Arlo’s first day with us.

Since that long anticipated Friday evening, we have all fallen in love with this loving little monster. He can be so mellow one minute and an absolute maniac the next. But, we love him with all of our being. In just 10 days, this little guy went from 4 pounds 2 ounces to 4 pounds 14 ounces. He’s growing fast than we had hoped but we are glad to be home and savoring every moment with him.
Here are a few pictures from his first bath, one week after he came home with us. He was a little scared, especially of the hair dryer, but he did well.

It was really hard to pick out just a few pictures from the last couple of weeks to share but here are some of the highlights.

Be sure to check back for more updates soon. Also don’t forget to follow Arlo on Instragram @lildoxiearlo.